
Rail travel accompanied by Lanpu
Import and export trade
Provide comprehensive import and export services, as well as goods warehousing and transportation services
Household energy storage
Not only can it be used as an emergency power source, but it can also save electricity expenses for households.
Industrial and commercial energy storage
Focusing on providing high-quality solutions for energy storage and new energy fields
Group of industries
Lanp Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012 and headquartered in Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.
It is a diversified enterprise group that specializes in the fields of rail transit vehicle equipment, new energy, and energy storage.
MoreGroup member
酉阳| 克拉玛依市| 开封市| 理塘县| 伊春市| 娄底市| 钦州市| 开原市| 深泽县| 平度市| 高唐县| 台山市| 新竹县| 泾阳县| 东源县| 江油市| 彭泽县| 西盟| 叙永县| 黄石市| 龙游县| 珠海市| 台北县| 札达县| 富源县| 广宁县| 郎溪县| 竹山县| 融水| 揭阳市| 武清区| 永川市| 桐城市| 汉阴县| 崇仁县| 崇明县| 建昌县| 北海市| 红安县| 塘沽区| 共和县|